Author Beatriz Roche has published an inspirational book about her transformative journey to enlightenment in which she invites readers to awaken their spirits, discover their universal truth, and tap into their limitless inner power.
In “My YOUniverse According to Dharma,” Roche shares her experience crossing paths with her late, close friend, Yelitza, in a dream and again later in Roche’s meditation. Through these encounters, Yelitza introduced Roche to Dharma, leading Roche to channel this highly evolved, nonphysical consciousness.
Roche’s book delivers what she learned as a receptor and translator for this energy and explores topics such as how the world was populated, how people perceive time, what dark and light forces exist in the universe, how people are absolute creators of their reality using their conscious and subconscious thoughts and emotions, and how loving oneself is fundamental to everything.
(Bio by Danielle Grobmeier, LAVIDGE Publicity)
Author, healer and psychoanalyst Maggie Moor has developed a spiritual self-help book that outlines her somatic healing method to help those who have been through trauma. “I AM: Your Guide to Mind and Body Union for Total Awareness” is designed to help readers who have endured trauma to become self-aware and create a mind, body and soul connection within themselves.
As a woman who faced childhood sexual abuse, drug and alcohol addiction and various other dangerous situations, Moor was motivated to develop her book to connect with others who have endured similar experiences in their lives. In “I AM,” Moor emphasizes the importance of unifying the mind and body to achieve total awareness within oneself while here on Earth. She details concepts such as energetic awareness, healing the inner child and cultivating somatic experiences as tools readers can use to heal their past trauma.
For more information click here
Extraterrestrial researcher and investigator Sylvia McKelvey published a detailed, informative book that explores extraterrestrial existence titled: “Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, UFOs, and the Cosmic Christ.” In her book, McKelvey delves into the history of extraterrestrial and UFO appearances on Earth. The extensive research and evidence, along with her personal experiences and UFO encounter, presented in this book bring credibility to the author’s claims.
“Storm on the Horizon” informs readers about extraterrestrials and encourages them to ponder how extraterrestrials could impact the future. Although the topic of extraterrestrials tends to be discounted, McKelvey wants to bring to light how important it is for readers to accept the validity of extraterrestrials in order to prepare them for the possibility of global interactions with these beings and what the outcome of such interactions might be.
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Robby Kautz published “The Riven Tree,” which is an allegory about trauma and how a young oak finds her way back to hope and happiness. The oak tree, after getting hit by lightning, feels ashamed of her altered appearance and worthless in the eyes of God due to her perceived “damage.” When the oak tree finally surrenders herself and talks to God, she finds peace and acceptance of her new appearance and is ready for the next stage in her life. Kautz, who experienced trauma by growing up in a violent home, developed this story to help readers heal from trauma, find their self-worth and foster a connection with God.
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Temporary Isolation Can Be The Opportunity To Permanently Transform Your Weight And Health
Los Angeles, CA, May 18, 2020 ̶ Not sure how to eat and stay healthy this quarantine season without resorting to your familiar diet of spaghetti, bread, pizza, and sugar? Candice Rosen, R.N., MSW, and author of the upcoming book Forget Dieting: It’s All About Data-Driven Fueling! encourages “trophology,” or “food combining,” which is one of the foundations of Rosen’s Data-Driven Fueling Plan. As you combine foods, Rosen adds that “monitoring blood glucose is the key to weight gain vs. weight loss; good health vs. poor health.”
1. Make Wednesdays and Fridays Vegan Days. According to Rosen, avoid dairy! Try vegan yogurts, cheeses, and milks. Dairy is inflammatory and will deplete your bones of calcium (it’s true!). There are unsweetened milks of almond, hemp, cashew, etc., and all are available in grocery stores. A low blood glucose breakfast idea would be a sprouted grain English muffin, spread with a tofu or nut-based cream cheese, some sliced tomatoes, and topped off with sea salt or Trader Joe’s Everything But The Bagel Sesame Seasoning Blend.
2. Eat fruits that are high in fiber. Apples, bananas, oranges, berries ̶ the list goes on! You will still want to avoid sugary fruit juices, as well as very sweet fruits like pineapples and mangos while trying to lose weight. Fruit is always eaten alone with two exceptions: they can be added to a vegan smoothie and they can be eaten with a nut or seed butter. These healthy fats reduce the chance of a blood glucose spike.
3. Nothing white. To lower blood glucose, do not eat or combine animal proteins with any white potatoes, bread, rice, or pasta… EVER. Sorry!
4. Eat More Sweet Potatoes. Think wholesome, nutritious, responsibly grown, pancreatic-friendly foods (food that doesn’t raise your blood glucose) like sweet potatoes and yams, which are an incredibly nutritious carbohydrate that are low in sugar levels and provide fiber. They’re best consumed baked or steamed, but can also be cooked in a variety of other ways. A great lunch or dinner option (and it is inexpensive) is a baked sweet potato, split down the middle with a large spoonful of black beans, a tablespoon of tomatillo salsa, and a side salad. To lower blood sugar, eat them with veggies and plant-based protein together… NOT MEAT!
5. Try Fish. Give your body a break from animal protein. Red meats increase inflammation and provide poor sources of fat. However, if you crave protein, try fish! For those who aren’t allergic, fish is a fantastic source of protein that’s low in carbohydrates and contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, one of the few consumable healthy fats! If consuming fish raw, remember only sashimi-style – no white rice! To lower blood sugar, combine fish with veggies, not starches or fruit.
About the author:
Candice P. Rosen, RN, MSW, CHC, is a registered nurse based in Los Angeles, CA. As the founding member of Gilda’s Club Chicago and its first executive director and program director, she created and coordinated a diverse array of wellness-related programs. She was appointed by Mayor Richard Daley to serve as Chair of Healthcare Initiatives for Chicago’s Sister Cities International Program (CSCIP). CSCIP provided an opportunity to advocate for preventive medicine, improve maternal and infant healthcare, stress disability access, promote nourishing diets, and bring awareness to the obesity and diabetes epidemics that now affect populations on a global level. She is married and the mother of four adult children and grandmother to a precious granddaughter. For more information on Candice, please visit
Forget Dieting: It’s All About Data-Driven Fueling!
Rowman and Littlefield
Release Date: July 2020
Hardcover / $30
ISBN: 978-1-5381-3149-7
For more information click here
After 38 years of working with schizophrenic patients, Anthea Morne, RN, Ph.D., LMHC, CASAC, has found meditation to be a great tool to aid mental healing. Recently, she published “The Effect of Meditation and Relaxation on Individuals Diagnosed with Long-Term Schizophrenia” to present research from a six-year experiment she conducted with schizophrenic patients. By instructing them on how to meditate and relax, she was able to help them improve their mental health.
“The Effect of Meditation and Relaxation on Individuals Diagnosed with Long-Term Schizophrenia” is structured to follow the steps of her research process, providing background on schizophrenia, the methodology of the study and the results from the research. One of the key points Morne makes in her study is how meditation can create peace in the lives of her patients.
Although the focus of this book is on the impact meditation can have on people who have schizophrenia, Morne also outlines how it can benefit anyone. At the beginning of the book, she discusses how meditation has impacted her personally and cites other cases that concluded meditation can help ease anxiety.
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Recently on her blog The Geeky Hostess, author/blogger Tara Theoharis revealed the cover of her amazing new cookbook BREAK AN EGG! THE BROADWAY COOKBOOK (Insight Editions; Sept 1 2020)– the cookbook with over 50 recipes inspired by Broadway’s classic musicals.
Some of the book’s recipes include:
The Wizard and Ice – Wicked
Schnitzel With Noodles – The Sound of Music
Eggrolls for Mr. Goldstone – Gypsy
Too Darn Hot Sauce – Kiss Me, Kate
Another Vodka Stinger – Company
Mama’s Well-Peppered Ragu – Chicago
And 50+ more!!
Here are two sample recipes: “Laurie’s Prize-Winning Tarts” from Oklahoma and “Totally Shucked” from Spring Awakening. Enjoy!
For more information click here
“WRITE AND TEAR: Detox your mind.” by CS.I. Csὅlle Ildikó is a simple guidebook that was written to help readers detox their minds from the endless stimulations they are exposed to on a daily basis. From a technical, non-religious standpoint, this guide outlines simple steps to help the brain work properly and to help readers heal from psychological issues. If readers follow the “write and tear” method presented in her book, the author guarantees that readers will see a positive change in their health, mood and love.
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“The Small Scroll: The Enlightenment of Jesus” by Christopher Miller is a reflective book that follows the life of Jesus Christ from His perspective that unveils the simple, but eternal, truths of faith. Written as a descriptive narrative, Miller weaves scripture and Jesus’ stream of consciousness as he navigates the world as a human and fulfills his destiny. To depict Jesus’ human experience, the book demonstrates how He consistently faced hardship, and through meditation and an internal knowledge that He was the Son of God, was able to rise above as The Savior. “The Small Scroll” shifts the discussion of the life of Jesus from an external view and makes the connection on a personal level.
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“Taming Josh’s Dragon: A mother’s tale of a life too brief.” by Debbie Sumner is a moving memoir that takes readers on a mother’s journey with her son who faced a serious lung disease since birth. Sumner chronicles the birth of her son, Josh, to his lung transplant at age 13, to losing her son when he was 15. After losing her son, Sumner found it very difficult to heal, but she was eventually able to find peace by facing her grief in her own way. With her book, Sumner wishes to reach people who are facing similar life challenges such as those who need a transplant and parents of kids who have life-threatening illness/require a transplant. By sharing her own story, Sumner can provide comfort to readers and reassurance that they will also be able to find strength during and after these difficult times.
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“Feather on the ‘Wind of Change’ Safaris, Surgery and Stentgrafts,” by Dr. Michael Lawrence-Brown is a captivating memoir that recounts the author’s life story, from his unconventional upbringing in East Africa to his ground-breaking work in developing the stent graft for aortic aneurysms. Born in colonized Kenya to British parents, Dr. Lawrence-Brown enjoyed a picturesque, relatively ungoverned childhood full of safari adventures and eccentric pets. However, he also came of age during an era of change in the British empire. In 1960, Prime Minister Harold McMillan gave his “Wind of Change” speech, acknowledging the upsurge of decolonization across African colonies and signaling the end of the British empire. Faced with the ultimatum of accepting Kenyan citizenship thereby limiting his educational opportunities or seeking British citizenship and migrating, Dr. Lawrence-Brown ultimately made the move to Australia, where he attended medical school, discovered his passion for vascular surgery and pioneered research in the cutting-edge treatment of aortic aneurysms.
For more information click here
Stormy Daniels became front page news. The transformation in what used to be called “smut” is astonishing. One moment it’s a “public health crisis” in Nebraska, the next moment Stormy’s bodyguards are fighting off the photographers as she swans into a court hearing that directly affects the president of the United States.
This book sets Stormy in context. But it’s not just a biopic. It’s about the larger forces at play here.
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