“Life After. . . The Day I Died” by Pamela Neuberth is an uplifting memoir that shares a woman’s journey to Heaven. Neuberth, who was provided with the ultimate second chance at life, visited Heaven after getting hit by a car at twelve years old. She details what Heaven was like during her Near-Death Experience (NDE). Throughout this book, Neuberth details God’s role in her life. By affirming the afterlife, Neuberth provides encouragement and motivation for people to live purposeful and meaningful lives. Also, in her book, she discusses her beloved daughter, Heather. Neuberth dedicated “Life After. . . The Day I Died” to Heather’s memory.
STABLE: The Keys to Heaven on Earth offers a new and different message as religious barriers are broken down. STABLE is defined by author April Michelle Lewis as Sound, Thought, Always Believe, Life of Excellence—truly the keys to experiencing heaven on earth.
For thousands of years, humankind has envisioned a peaceful world. Peace can be obtained. It is not impossible and is, in fact, well within our reach. Various scientific studies support the existence and the true nature of God and heaven. When these discoveries are applied to our lives, it launches us all toward an existence that God has intended for us here on earth.
“…heartfelt book …involving, and passionate …her account of her own personal journey from confusion to the clarity of her STABLE philosophy has a powerfully persuasive narrative quality …enthusiastically conceived and readable breakdown of principles for embracing an upright …life.”
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“1947: The Greys’ Odyssey to Earth” by Gus V. is a futuristic science fiction novel set in the year 2065. The book chronicles an advanced, peaceful race called the “Greys” and their journey to Earth. The Greys, after venturing to various planets in the universe, wish to find an alliance with humans on planet Earth. The end of this thrilling book reveals how this trip impacts the fate of the Greys and humankind forever.
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“Wonderfully Weird: Seven Strange Ways to Define a Life of Wonder” by Drake Hunter is a spiritual guidebook designed to help readers break free from their mundane daily routines and step into their God-given destiny. Hunter explains how a person’s destiny falls under one of four categories, which is their potential divine image. Hunter developed the “Wonderfully Weird Assessment” based upon research from Dr. David Keirsey, Dr. Stephen Montgomery, the author’s dear personal friend, Dr. Ray Lincoln, and others, to help readers determine if they fall into one of four divine image categories: Lion, Man, Ox and Eagle. Throughout the book, Hunter explains how these divine images correlate to the reader’s destiny set forth by God and how, based on what archetype they fall under, they can live a full, exciting life that was meant for them. He provides personal examples as well as examples from the Bible (such as each of the Four Evangelists falling under the four divine image types) to establish a real-life demonstration of individuals that represent each archetype.
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Christian author Matthew Plank wrote his book, “Break Open Your Box: Piecing Your Life Together for a Time Such as This.” Utilizing his own life experiences and Biblical references, Plank wishes to help readers piece their lives together. Within his book, he provides his perspective as a son and his perspective as a father. As the perspective as a son, he discussed how his parents lovingly raised him. As the perspective as a father, he details tips for parents (such as having on focus on your child, rather than spending more time at work) and discusses how significant being a parent is.
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“All We Need Is Love: In Service to the Light Book One” by Michele D. Baker is a collection of messages the author has received from angels, ancestors, spirit guides and other sentient beings from other worlds as she moves through her Ascension, or spiritual awakening. By means of automatic writing, Baker relays the channeled information, most of which comes from Archangel Michael. She also weaves her own thoughts and perceptions with these angelic passages, giving a first-hand account of her experiences of Ascension. Though many of the messages are directed towards her specifically, they contain vital information about the future of the planet as well as universal truths about love, purpose, energy, emotions and more that all readers can benefit from.
(Bio by Leslie Standridge, LAVIDGE Publicity)
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Praise and worship leader Sandra J. Petrusaitis inspires readers to connect with their spirituality in her recently published Christian book, “To Walk In Faith: Twenty-One Days to Walk in the Power of Faith.” For the book, Petrusaitis utilized personal anecdotes and Scripture to provide an inspirational and unique narrative that will uplift readers and encourage them to plug into their faith. Petrusaitis faced domestic violence and struggles as a single mother. Despite these challenges, she was able to use her strong relationship with God to maintain strength in all facets of her life. Petrusaitis hopes that her story will inspire other women to foster their relationship with the Lord and lean into the strength that He provides.
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“Beowulf: A Translation into English Verse” by Matthew Hutchinson is a well-researched translation of the Old English, epic poem: “Beowulf.” Hutchinson starts the book with a detailed background on his approach to translating the poem. Then, he presents his translated version of the poem, which is easy for readers to follow. In the appendices of the book, he provides additional information about the poem including the names that are mentioned, genealogical charts and suggested readings that are about the poem.
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Briefcase Wisdom for a Backpack Culture” by Jerry Gano is a daily devotional that is a collection of Facebook posts that the author has written. The title of the book refers to the generational differences between readers. Gano explains that although there are generational differences, the Word of the Lord transcends these differences and can help guide all humans. There is an entry for each day of the year, so readers can follow along with the posts. Each post has “a Bible verse suggestion, so they can use the posts to help walk them through passages in the Bible. By presenting these posts, Gano encourages readers to connect with a lesson from God every day and reflect on how it can be applied to their lives.
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You’re stressed out, tired of looking at the same four walls, drained by the negativity on social media, and exhausted from juggling work with homeschooling and entertaining your kids. No matter your age, location, or financial standing, there is a simple, effective therapy that is abundantly available, and it’s right outside your door.
“Get out and stay out—as often and for as long as you can,” champions Marshall Ulrich in his latest release, Both Feet on the Ground: Reflections from the Outside.
Ulrich, an ultrarunner who has also scaled the Seven Summits and competed in multi-day adventure races, shares stories of his expeditions in such far-flung places as Borneo, Tibet, and South Africa, as well as his lifelong commitment to farming his land in Colorado. Ulrich has climbed Mount Everest, run through the searing heat of the Gobi Desert, and ridden the huge waves off Morocco. But there’s no need to be an extreme athlete to reap the benefits of forming physical connections with the natural world.
Ulrich urges readers to simply unplug, plant their feet firmly in the earth, fill their lungs with clean air, and dream of bold and personally compelling outdoor adventures.
“Your adventures in natural places—even if, for now, it’s just sitting outside or walking around your neighborhood—can put you back in touch with who you are; how resilient, resourceful and hardy you can be,” Ulrich says.
Throughout Both Feet on the Ground, Ulrich shares valuable insights from his endeavors, along with useful findings and recommendations from other experts, all organized around themes of earth, air, fire and water. His hope is that you’ll be inspired to find new ways of engaging with these natural elements yourself to experience the healing powers of the outside world.
Author Marshall Ulrich is an extreme endurance athlete—ultrarunning icon, Seven Summits mountaineer, and adventure racer—who loves sharing his exploits to entertain and help motivate others to reach their goals. He’s raced, led expeditions, or climbed mountains in nearly 30 countries, and visited 30 more, so his stories are about more than just physical accomplishments. Cutting his teeth running across Death Valley, he’s also climbed Mount Everest, run in the jungles of Fiji, and completed a record-setting run across America. Dubbed the Endurance King, he defies the ideas of “too far,” “too old” and “not possible.” Revered among athletes, Marshall is also the author of Running on Empty. An acclaimed speaker, he’s lectured on various elite cruise lines, and given talks at businesses, schools, race expos, and professional conferences, including the Royal Geographic Society, Morgan Stanley, and Wilderness Medicine.
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High-vibe author and astrologist KristaLyn A. Vetovich recently published her latest New Age, fantasy novel: “Pure Fyre.” This novel is set in a high-vibe world where the characters tap into their powers by using metaphysical concepts, such as connecting with crystal energy and spirit guides. “Pure Fyre” entertains readers with a mystical, adventure tale and teaches them valuable life lessons. An essential lesson Vetovich teaches readers is finding your place in a world where you don’t feel like you fit in. Throughout the novel, Vetovich includes strong female characters to inspire female readers to find their personal strengths. Finally, Vetovich teaches readers to find their inner power.
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Conscious leadership and relationship coach Teresa Lodato, CPCC, recently released: “Why Aren’t You Listening to Me?: Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence and Connect with Your Team.” This self-awareness guidebook encourages readers, especially those who are in high-stress business roles, to develop a healthy relationship with their bodies and connect with their inner wisdom to thrive. People tend to blame others for stress in their lives but Lodato teaches the importance of shifting the focus back to themselves and healing their own lives. She encourages readers to practice autonomy from the people in their surroundings since it is beneficial for the individual to focus on their internal power. With this book, Lodato hopes readers will find their true, authentic selves by using the techniques outlined and dig further to who they are at the core of their being.
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