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Neuro Brands Expands Lifestyle Beverage Line with Debut of PROBUCHA™

PROBUCHA™ is a lightly carbonated probiotic drink, naturally flavored with meyer lemon and ginger that not only tastes great but can help in digestion. While PROBUCHA™ is designed in the style of Kombucha, its probiotic benefits are derived from a single ingredient called Bacillus subtilis. This makes it safe to store at room temperature, allowing consumers to save their much-needed fridge space and buy in larger quantities.

“We are delighted to be launching PROBUCHA™ online and in stores nationwide,” said Neuro Brands CEO Diana Jenkins in a statement. “PROBUCHA™ is an amazing addition to our growing line of drinks, each meeting a unique need for our customers. PROBUCHA™ is a truly unique product that was formulated to give our customers a wonderful aid to their digestive health while actually tasting great. We are truly thrilled to bring one of the only few shelf-stable live probiotic drinks to the market, especially for those individuals who desire better digestive health but don’t want a traditional kombucha beverage.

Each ingredient in PROBUCHA™ plays a role in restoring, rebuilding or promoting better digestive function. Ginger, curcumin, a hefty amount of apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp per bottle), fermented kombucha tea and the shelf-stable live probiotic Bacillus subtillus, clinically studied for its beneficial effects upon the digestive system. Kombucha serves as a helpful prebiotic ingredient in PROBUCHA™, giving PROBUCHA™ both a prebiotic and probiotic ingredient combination.

neuro® has become a favorite go-to beverage choice of pop culture’s elite, with the entire line specially formulated with the highest quality ingredients from sustainable sources. neuro® drinks meet the diverse needs of consumers as a vegan, gluten-free, certified kosher and low-calorie option. PROBUCHA™ joins the colorful array of drinks with a purpose: SONIC™, to increase attention and boost energy; BLISS™, to reduce stress; SLEEP™, to relax and create a better sleep; GASM™, to increase drive and stamina; TRIM™, to improve digestion and control appetite; and AQUA™, for premium hydration.

PROBUCHA™ is available now via Amazon and in Walmart stores nationwide, with more retail locations to be announced soon.

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Eat a Bag of Dicks Banana Soy Candle

Introducing the, Eat a Bag of Dicks Banana Soy Candle by Crimson and Clover, which is the perfect antidote to the Corona Crisis and burns for 50 hours for only $28.

Crimson and Clover Studio is the funny AF stationery and gift company founded in 2014 by sex and dating writer Rachel Khona. A fizzy mix of heartfelt love and sass, Rachel’s deadpan cards and gifts are now carried in 200+ boutiques and chains across North America, including Paper Source and Nordstrom. Crimson and Clover Studio’s new line of candles include such gems such as a peach-scented “I Like Your Butt”, and a holly berry scented “Not So Silent Night” candle. All candles are crafted from soy wax and made in the USA.

It all started with sticky notes Rachel and her then-boyfriend would leave for each other, realizing she had a knack for sassy zingers and giggle-inducing puns. After breaking up with her via sticky note, it dawned on Rachel, why not take the stockpile of sassy phrases saved on her phone and turn them into greeting cards? And poof! Crimson and Clover (named after the Jimmy Eat World song “A Praise Chorus”) was born.

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The Small Scroll by Christopher Miller

“The Small Scroll: The Enlightenment of Jesus” by Christopher Miller is a reflective book that follows the life of Jesus Christ from His perspective that unveils the simple, but eternal, truths of faith. Written as a descriptive narrative, Miller weaves scripture and Jesus’ stream of consciousness as he navigates the world as a human and fulfills his destiny. To depict Jesus’ human experience, the book demonstrates how He consistently faced hardship, and through meditation and an internal knowledge that He was the Son of God, was able to rise above as The Savior. “The Small Scroll” shifts the discussion of the life of Jesus from an external view and makes the connection on a personal level.

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Taming Josh’s Dragon by Debbie Sumner

“Taming Josh’s Dragon: A mother’s tale of a life too brief.” by Debbie Sumner is a moving memoir that takes readers on a mother’s journey with her son who faced a serious lung disease since birth. Sumner chronicles the birth of her son, Josh, to his lung transplant at age 13, to losing her son when he was 15. After losing her son, Sumner found it very difficult to heal, but she was eventually able to find peace by facing her grief in her own way. With her book, Sumner wishes to reach people who are facing similar life challenges such as those who need a transplant and parents of kids who have life-threatening illness/require a transplant. By sharing her own story, Sumner can provide comfort to readers and reassurance that they will also be able to find strength during and after these difficult times.

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Feather on the Wind of Change

“Feather on the ‘Wind of Change’ Safaris, Surgery and Stentgrafts,” by Dr. Michael Lawrence-Brown is a captivating memoir that recounts the author’s life story, from his unconventional upbringing in East Africa to his ground-breaking work in developing the stent graft for aortic aneurysms. Born in colonized Kenya to British parents, Dr. Lawrence-Brown enjoyed a picturesque, relatively ungoverned childhood full of safari adventures and eccentric pets. However, he also came of age during an era of change in the British empire. In 1960, Prime Minister Harold McMillan gave his “Wind of Change” speech, acknowledging the upsurge of decolonization across African colonies and signaling the end of the British empire. Faced with the ultimatum of accepting Kenyan citizenship thereby limiting his educational opportunities or seeking British citizenship and migrating, Dr. Lawrence-Brown ultimately made the move to Australia, where he attended medical school, discovered his passion for vascular surgery and pioneered research in the cutting-edge treatment of aortic aneurysms.

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Stormy’s World: Inside Porn by Edward Shorter

Stormy Daniels became front page news. The transformation in what used to be called “smut” is astonishing. One moment it’s a “public health crisis” in Nebraska, the next moment Stormy’s bodyguards are fighting off the photographers as she swans into a court hearing that directly affects the president of the United States.

This book sets Stormy in context. But it’s not just a biopic. It’s about the larger forces at play here.

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Stress Snacking? Here’s A (Sneaky) Way To Eat Healthier

If you’re like me, you’re out of pandemic snacks (if I’m honest, it was a few days ago).

To stay healthy (and sane) we need nutrients. It’s more important than ever to eat our fruits and veggies (even when we’d rather have chips and chocolate).

Romaine calm, nutritious and tasty Pure Synergy fruit and veggie powders can help bump up nutrition when you end up WFF (working from fridge):

Don’t Carrot All? Mac and cheese for dinner (and breakfast – no judgment)? Just add some Organic Carrot Powder for peace of mind (and a rich source of antioxidants).
Stay Up-Beet: Get an energy boost from Organic Beet Powder by adding it to some brownie mix. The naturally-sweet powder supports a healthy heart and liver and gives you essential antioxidants.
Easier than Algae-bra: Adding a scoop of Pure Synergy’s Organic Blue-Green Algae to pasta sauce provides extra energy while supporting overall health. The beautiful blue/green sparkling powder also enhances mental clarity and focus.

We know, just thinking about ‘healthy’ can be overwhelming during stressful times. And, we need easy ways to work these needed nutrients into our lives to support our overall well-being. And during these trying times, we need to be well.

For more information click here

The Gift You Give Yourself by E. Gaylon McCollough MD FACS

Ah, quarantine. It’s something many of us are already experiencing, and with Coronavirus spreading like wildfire across the U.S., it doesn’t seem like it’ll be long before we are all stuck inside for precautionary measure. But how can we make sure we maintain a healthy lifestyle during this time, especially when gyms are closed and the pantry is right next to your new desk (aka, the kitchen table)? Dr. E. Gaylon McCollough, a facial and nasal plastic surgeon and founder of McCollough Plastic Surgery Clinic & Skin Center and Total Health Spa, has some ideas of how to do so. In his forthcoming book, The Gift You Give Yourself: Surgical and Other Choices That Enhance Your Appearance, Confidence, and Health, he explains that “the key to remaining healthier and more prosperous through good times and bad is to do the things that have been shown to be effective on all-the-time basis. With the unprecedented restrictions being imposed upon us by state and local governments, people are being confined to their homes and may become careless about doing the things that keep us healthier and happier. Here are several measures you can take to avoid falling into that trap.”

Here are Dr. McCollough’s top 10 ways to stay healthy while under quarantine:

1. Keep a positive attitude. Think healthy and productive thoughts. Remember, “Your body is the servant of your mind.” The mind that harbors negative thoughts usually causes its body to function in negative ways.

2. Exercise vigilance and safety. Follow the protocols that health organizations have published. Contact your personal physician if you should develop the signs and symptoms of Coronovirus: fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and fatigue. Then follow your doctor’s recommendations.

3. Keep your mind active. Learn more about things you’ve always wanted to know or master. Read books you’ve put aside for such times.

4. Keep your body active. Exercise the muscles of your body every day and throughout the day, whether walking up and down stairs, jogging in place, and performing calisthenics.

5. Get in touch with your spiritual side. Meditate or pray every day for yourself and your fellowman.

6. If possible spend at least 30 minutes outdoors in God’s Grand Cathedral, on your balcony, terrace, yard, or nearby woods or beach.

7. Take nostalgic trip into the past. Review old photographic albums, scrapbooks, and journals.

8. Write a manuscript for the book or memoir you’ve always wanted to publish. Don’t worry about getting it right. Just begin writing down your unfiltered thoughts. There’ll be time, later, for editing and formatting.

9. Pick up the phone and call friends, family, and customers you’ve neglected. Write letters or emails to everyone who you owe a “thank you”—co-workers, classmates, teammates, teachers, coaches and mentors.

10. Review and revise your “bucket list.” Peruse the internet for vacation and educational packages. Make tentative plans for the trip(s) you’ve always wanted to take and places you’ve always wanted to visit.

For more information about Dr. McCollough and his book, please visit www.mccolloughplasticsurgery.com.

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Drinkmate At-Home Carbonator

Create sparkling drinks anywhere! The Drinkmate Spritzer is portable – use it outdoors or at home … it can even fit in a kitchen drawer. Use it at picnics, BBQs, or tailgate events. The available countertop stand makes it easy to use in the kitchen, too!

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Cygenic by Monique Poirier

Circlet Press, an imprint of Riverdale Avenue Books, has just published Cygenics by Monique Poirier. The book takes place in the not-so-distant future, where human DNA and advanced technology have combined to create sentient machines that look and feel oh-so-human, whether they are used as nannies, nurses, or sex toys. But what happens when a sex toy sits up and demands rights?

Dante is blond, brilliant, and beautiful because he was made that way, commissioned and raised by an eccentric professor to prove a point. After the professor’s untimely death, Dante’s life is reduced to usage by the state, because technically a cygenic is a machine, not a person. To everyone, Dante is just a piece of “wetware” that happens to think and feel like a human. Drudgery at the hands of the state isn’t the worst fate, though. Many humans have developed cruel tastes they satisfy with cygenic exploitation. Can Dante rise above the sordid and sadistic circumstances he finds himself in?

Nate is a programming prodigy with a righteous soul. Fresh out of college, he goes to work for a nonprofit dedicated to rehabilitating destitute cygenics. But cyborgs aren’t the only ones being taken for granted and exploited by those who may be human but are far from humane.

Dante and Nate are both lonely, angry, and left vulnerable by a world that should have treated them better… and they are on a collision course. Can they navigate the pitfalls of love, lust, and systematic oppression together, or will the system rip them apart?

“Like all the best robot and cyborg stories, Cygenic asks us to examine our own humanity, in particular the very human needs for sex and love,” said Editor of Circlet Press Cecilia Tan. “I’m so pleased to have Monique Poirier’s first novel. She has been selling brilliant erotic short stories to Circlet Press for over a decade and it has been fantastic to watch her stretch her wings with a full-length book.”

For more information click here

Stay Kool-We Will Get Through This-Spring/Summer Keepzit Kooler!

Be Kool with the ability to customize your Keepzit Kooler beverage insulator- it’s next level original and creative! Write your name, draw an image or symbol or whatever, it’s your choice. You can erase it with a wet rag to start over. *It will smudge with wet hands, so make sure to dry your hands. Keepzit Koolers come in a variety of other designs and are recyclable and BPA safe! *Neoprene Koozies are not bio-degradable and stay in the land fills for a long long time! Just released-and when it’s time for us to start gathering in groups again-Keepzit Kooler is perfect for family get togethers, bridal/bachelor or a neighborhood garden party (guests’ names to identify beverage). Whether it’ summer time fun on the deck, dock, boat, beach, camping, pool or lakeside Keepzit Koolers beverage holders are perfect! Keeps your drink cold for up to 2 hours and fits 12-16 oz bottles! PRICE (Varies): Solo-Premium w/marker: $9.97; 2-Pack w/marker $22.97; 4-Pack Premium w/marker; $39.97

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The Coffee Cartel by Paul H. Barrett

Paul H. Barrett, a Navy veteran and experienced yacht captain, recently published an adventure novel, “The Coffee Cartel,” which follows Paul Pilot as he discovers and investigates the worldwide spread of modified, super-addictive cocaine laced coffee that hooks each innocent, unsuspecting coffee drinker. This fictional exposé sheds light on the horrors of drug addiction in our world.

Paul Pilot and his fisherman friend were out at sea roughly 20 miles away from Cuba on Pilot’s 55’ Hatteras when they encountered intruders on their boat. The intruders are killed and Pilot, a retired FBI agent, discovers that these intruders were part of a drug cartel that circulate cocaine through coffee. Ultimately, Pilot stops the Cartel with the help of former FBI Associates, leading-edge surveillance, intense interrogations and a little luck.

Readers follow Pilot select Special Forces and all the FBI support required to stop ruthless villains operating cartel operations around the globe. Along his journey, Pilot falls in love with an Afro-Cuban woman named Sara Sonata, who he met in Trinidad.

Barrett wrote this book to inform readers how unsuspected drug addiction could impact humankind on a global scale. By providing this extreme example of drug circulation, “The Coffee Cartel” exposes readers to the severe consequences of innocent drug consumption.

“With ‘The Coffee Cartel,’ I want to entertain the reader with a suspenseful tale that involves state-of-the-art surveillance and present a unique perspective on unsuspected cocaine addiction and theoretical world domination,” Barrett said.

“The Coffee Cartel”

By Paul H. Barrett

ISBN: 978-1-5320-8475-1 (softcover); 978-1-5320-8476-8 (e-book)

For more information click here