Tag Archives: Books

The Gift You Give Yourself by E. Gaylon McCollough MD FACS

Ah, quarantine. It’s something many of us are already experiencing, and with Coronavirus spreading like wildfire across the U.S., it doesn’t seem like it’ll be long before we are all stuck inside for precautionary measure. But how can we make sure we maintain a healthy lifestyle during this time, especially when gyms are closed and the pantry is right next to your new desk (aka, the kitchen table)? Dr. E. Gaylon McCollough, a facial and nasal plastic surgeon and founder of McCollough Plastic Surgery Clinic & Skin Center and Total Health Spa, has some ideas of how to do so. In his forthcoming book, The Gift You Give Yourself: Surgical and Other Choices That Enhance Your Appearance, Confidence, and Health, he explains that “the key to remaining healthier and more prosperous through good times and bad is to do the things that have been shown to be effective on all-the-time basis. With the unprecedented restrictions being imposed upon us by state and local governments, people are being confined to their homes and may become careless about doing the things that keep us healthier and happier. Here are several measures you can take to avoid falling into that trap.”

Here are Dr. McCollough’s top 10 ways to stay healthy while under quarantine:

1. Keep a positive attitude. Think healthy and productive thoughts. Remember, “Your body is the servant of your mind.” The mind that harbors negative thoughts usually causes its body to function in negative ways.

2. Exercise vigilance and safety. Follow the protocols that health organizations have published. Contact your personal physician if you should develop the signs and symptoms of Coronovirus: fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and fatigue. Then follow your doctor’s recommendations.

3. Keep your mind active. Learn more about things you’ve always wanted to know or master. Read books you’ve put aside for such times.

4. Keep your body active. Exercise the muscles of your body every day and throughout the day, whether walking up and down stairs, jogging in place, and performing calisthenics.

5. Get in touch with your spiritual side. Meditate or pray every day for yourself and your fellowman.

6. If possible spend at least 30 minutes outdoors in God’s Grand Cathedral, on your balcony, terrace, yard, or nearby woods or beach.

7. Take nostalgic trip into the past. Review old photographic albums, scrapbooks, and journals.

8. Write a manuscript for the book or memoir you’ve always wanted to publish. Don’t worry about getting it right. Just begin writing down your unfiltered thoughts. There’ll be time, later, for editing and formatting.

9. Pick up the phone and call friends, family, and customers you’ve neglected. Write letters or emails to everyone who you owe a “thank you”—co-workers, classmates, teammates, teachers, coaches and mentors.

10. Review and revise your “bucket list.” Peruse the internet for vacation and educational packages. Make tentative plans for the trip(s) you’ve always wanted to take and places you’ve always wanted to visit.

For more information about Dr. McCollough and his book, please visit www.mccolloughplasticsurgery.com.

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Cygenic by Monique Poirier

Circlet Press, an imprint of Riverdale Avenue Books, has just published Cygenics by Monique Poirier. The book takes place in the not-so-distant future, where human DNA and advanced technology have combined to create sentient machines that look and feel oh-so-human, whether they are used as nannies, nurses, or sex toys. But what happens when a sex toy sits up and demands rights?

Dante is blond, brilliant, and beautiful because he was made that way, commissioned and raised by an eccentric professor to prove a point. After the professor’s untimely death, Dante’s life is reduced to usage by the state, because technically a cygenic is a machine, not a person. To everyone, Dante is just a piece of “wetware” that happens to think and feel like a human. Drudgery at the hands of the state isn’t the worst fate, though. Many humans have developed cruel tastes they satisfy with cygenic exploitation. Can Dante rise above the sordid and sadistic circumstances he finds himself in?

Nate is a programming prodigy with a righteous soul. Fresh out of college, he goes to work for a nonprofit dedicated to rehabilitating destitute cygenics. But cyborgs aren’t the only ones being taken for granted and exploited by those who may be human but are far from humane.

Dante and Nate are both lonely, angry, and left vulnerable by a world that should have treated them better… and they are on a collision course. Can they navigate the pitfalls of love, lust, and systematic oppression together, or will the system rip them apart?

“Like all the best robot and cyborg stories, Cygenic asks us to examine our own humanity, in particular the very human needs for sex and love,” said Editor of Circlet Press Cecilia Tan. “I’m so pleased to have Monique Poirier’s first novel. She has been selling brilliant erotic short stories to Circlet Press for over a decade and it has been fantastic to watch her stretch her wings with a full-length book.”

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The Coffee Cartel by Paul H. Barrett

Paul H. Barrett, a Navy veteran and experienced yacht captain, recently published an adventure novel, “The Coffee Cartel,” which follows Paul Pilot as he discovers and investigates the worldwide spread of modified, super-addictive cocaine laced coffee that hooks each innocent, unsuspecting coffee drinker. This fictional exposé sheds light on the horrors of drug addiction in our world.

Paul Pilot and his fisherman friend were out at sea roughly 20 miles away from Cuba on Pilot’s 55’ Hatteras when they encountered intruders on their boat. The intruders are killed and Pilot, a retired FBI agent, discovers that these intruders were part of a drug cartel that circulate cocaine through coffee. Ultimately, Pilot stops the Cartel with the help of former FBI Associates, leading-edge surveillance, intense interrogations and a little luck.

Readers follow Pilot select Special Forces and all the FBI support required to stop ruthless villains operating cartel operations around the globe. Along his journey, Pilot falls in love with an Afro-Cuban woman named Sara Sonata, who he met in Trinidad.

Barrett wrote this book to inform readers how unsuspected drug addiction could impact humankind on a global scale. By providing this extreme example of drug circulation, “The Coffee Cartel” exposes readers to the severe consequences of innocent drug consumption.

“With ‘The Coffee Cartel,’ I want to entertain the reader with a suspenseful tale that involves state-of-the-art surveillance and present a unique perspective on unsuspected cocaine addiction and theoretical world domination,” Barrett said.

“The Coffee Cartel”

By Paul H. Barrett

ISBN: 978-1-5320-8475-1 (softcover); 978-1-5320-8476-8 (e-book)

For more information click here

Into Your Child’s Heart by Agnes Lui

In “Into Your Child’s Heart,” author Agnes Lui shares stories from her childhood and the impact they had on her parenting. She discusses how blessed spirits came forth and helped her with various life challenges as well as the spiritual side of parenting. Lui was also a social worker and presents her concerns about the plight children and teens are in today. Overall, this book teaches parents to raise children to have good communication skills and judgement, so children can navigate their lives. To learn more about Lui and her book, please visit her website, www.intoyourchildsheart.com.

Breaking Forth: A Release into Your Kairos Season by Dr. Angela M. Rucker

International minister Angela Marie Rucker, Th.D., Ph.D., D.D., recently published her motivational guidebook “Breaking Forth: A Release into Your Kairos Season” to help readers, who may feel lost, find themselves and activate their power within. Rucker focuses on a change of mindset that is necessary to be liberated from mediocrity and the acceptance of a substandard life. The author reveals to readers the importance of maximizing their ‘Kairos Season,’ which is when time intersects with divine opportunities to accommodate divine purpose.

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Empower Yourself for an Amazing Career by Blanca De La Rosa

“Empower Yourself for an Amazing Career” by Blanca De La Rosa is an insightful business advice book that encourages readers to climb the corporate ladder, no matter their economic or cultural background. With her inner wisdom and spirituality paired with practical, timeless tips on professionalism, De La Rosa utilizes her seasoned business expertise to inspire business professionals to not only land a corporate position but grow and thrive in their career. This book is a companion to her book, “Pursuing a Better Tomorrow,” that highlights the author’s personal transition from the New York projects and into a corporate career.

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Where Tigers Flew by Rebecca Kaye

“Where Tigers Flew” by Rebecca Kaye is an intense memoir that follows the author’s troubles as a young Eurasian girl (English-Chinese) growing up in China under Japanese occupation during World War II. Kaye discusses various struggles she faced such as: discrimination from both eastern and western cultures (since she was of a mixed heritage), a fight for survival, taking care of her siblings and escaping Japanese soldiers who invaded her home.

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From Sudden Death to Paradise by T.S. Dismas

T.S. Dismas served in the Military Police Corps until his honorable discharge due to disabilities he sustained while serving his country. Dismas’ disabilities led to a rare autoimmune disease and then to a heart attack and life-threatening heart failure. In his moving memoir, “From Sudden Death to Paradise: The Story of a Near-Death Experience,” Dismas shares his medical journey, the complications his heart endured and his visit to Heaven after his heart stopped for ten minutes. Since his near-death experience, Dismas has found peace, a closer relationship with God and meaning in life knowing that God has a plan for everyone. Dismas’ powerful, detailed recount of Heaven in “From Sudden Death to Paradise” illustrates the beauty of the afterlife and the unconditional love God has for everyone.

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Trust: Understanding My Why by Deb Richard

“Trust: Understanding My Why” by Deb Richard is Richard’s inspirational life story from competing in the LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf Association) and earning six titles to overcoming personal hurdles that redefined who she is as leader and as an individual. Readers will see Richard’s finding of her strengths, purpose and values in life by sharing her relationships and the experiences she has gone through.

Bruised Purple Hearts by Jerry C. Blanton

“Bruised Purple Hearts: Ghosts of the USA” by Jerry C. Blanton is a historical tale illustrating what it was like to live through chaotic times in the 1960s and 1970s that include the Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, and the rise of feminism, equal rights, the gay liberation movement, music and more. Blanton shares a different perspective expressing how hard the war was on the baby boomer generation and how everyone was suffering in different ways.

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Love Your Body Love Your Life by Jenna Lisa Lobos

“Love Your Body Love Your Life: 52 Tips That Will Radically Improve Your Health” by Jenna Lisa Lobos as an expansive self-help book that establishes a road map for readers to find confidence in their own skin. With tips to take care of their inner body (physically, emotionally and spiritually), this book helps transform readers from the inside to change how they face the world outwardly. She discusses a wide range of topics from changing the way you consume food and liquids to connecting with your inner child. Lobos also provides personal insight about how she was able to transform her own life– which gives the reader proof that these tips are effective. She also includes her personal beauty ritual– which is a daily practice that readers can easily follow. It is broken down into “morning,” “during the day” and “evening” practices.

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Hemingway’s Retreat by J. Michael Moriarty

“Hemingway’s Retreat: To Ireland” by J. Michael Moriarty is an imaginative exploration of Ernest Hemingway’s second chance of life after faking his own death on July 2, 1961. In the book, J. Michael illustrates the transformation of Hemingway into Irish man Matt Fitzgerald. Throughout his new journey, Fitzgerald (Hemingway), learns more about his Irish roots while meeting important people and seeing historical landmarks.