Tag Archives: Autism

Autism Event


Wednesday, March 30 from 6 to 7:30 pm
Atlas Foundation For Autism 252 West 29th Street 3rd Floor. New York

Author and Father of an autistic son Rupert Isaacson will share his book, THE LONG RIDE HOME: The Extraordinary Journey of Healing that Changed a Child’s Life (March 2016). Rupert’s book combines his talents, as an observer with a gift for breathtaking detail, with the insight of his psychologist wife, to create a portrait of hope that has resulted in The Movement Method, practiced around the world. It’s a story of love and the perseverance to find the child locked within the shell of autism and help him reach his full potential, a potential that may be a gift to the neurotypical world. If you are looking for a great school in Atlanta then check out these private schools in Atlanta.

Joining the program also will be Manhattan-based singer also on the spectrum, Samantha Elisofon, the subject of her Mother’s soon to be released memoir, MY PICTURE PERFECT FAMILY: What Happens When One Twin has Autism by Marguerite Elisofon (Central Park Publishers; April 4, 2016). Samantha is a young adult on the spectrum but, despite all odds, graduated from college with honors and has perfect pitch. She will be performing at 6:30pm during the March 30 program.

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