Record Bond Cigars – a PartyDigest initiative

A prominent industrial age family born and bred in Pennsylvania’s rich tobacco factory past today donated 50,000 cigar bands, box labels and related memorabilia and provided seed capital to recreate the Record Bond cigar that the family once made out of York County PA.
The family, which prefers to stay private, made the donation agreement with Lak Vohra, President and Founder of the Hamptons Cigar Manufactory & Museum.
“We are indeed proud to add yet another Americana cigar to our portfolio,” said Vohra in a press announcement distributed globally. “The family in Pennsylvania contacted us a year ago when we launched the EnigmaSegar and they were very pleased to see how well the Sag Harbor cigar history has been preserved with the recreation and decided to move forward to formalize an agreement to have Record Bond be reborn at our cigar factory in the Dominican Republic.”
Under the agreement, the Hamptons Cigar Manufactory & Museum will create a handmade premium cigar using the original cigar labels and packaging that was used when the factory was producing cigars in PA.
“A full range of vitolas will be produced using premium tobacco and wrapper and fillers from the factory in Tamboril, DR where we grow Cuban seeds over 90 acres,” added Singh.
“The family has first rights to purchase when the vitolas are released following which they will be sold exclusively to our clientele around the world through #CigarPopUps, charity galas, golf tournaments and at our CigarVillas,” Singh noted.
More details on the vitola ring, gauge, price will be released after the factory master blender tests and finalizes the Record Band cigars.
For more information, please contact 904-955-5465 or send an email to