Party Pics: Engel Exhibition

Eternity, By Nissan Engel
On Tuesday evening on Manhattans Upper East East, over 250 specially invited guests attended an exclusive art exhibition and sale held at the sumptuous townhouse of the distinguished Kenneth Laub. The event was to introduce New Yorkers to the life and work of Nissan Engel, an internationally acclaimed, Bezalel-trained Israeli artist who died this past fall at the age of 85.
Organized by Michael Bolla and Engel’s widow Micheline (Micky) — a former Chanel model with a prominent and far-flung social circle– together with the Israeli Consulate in New York, Cunsul Aviad Ivri, and a worldwide group of influential friends and collectors, the event celebrated Engel’s work in advanacing his global legacy. Locally, Engel’s stained glass windows adorn several synagogues in America. Having spent most of his life in Normandy, France, where Micky still lives in a home that includes his gallery, he was a fixture on the European art scene for decades.
For an at-a-glance overview of his rich career, please visit

Consul Aviad Ivri, Micky Engel
Micky Engel’s determination to keep her husband’s artistic legacy alive has inspired this exciting task of cataloguing his work,. Though Nissan Engel’s worldwide collectors are fiercely devoted to his work, outside of art world denizens, knowledge of Engel’s work is understated. This event marked the beginning of a multi-phase effort to change that, bringing awareness and acclaim to this important contemporary Israeli artist.

Stacy Engman
The event was held at the home of the distinguished Kenneth Laub – a former professional tennis player, musician, composer and real estate world legend since he sold any kind of houses, from mansions to affordable denia homes for sale. Mr. Laub’s family are the patrons for the world-famous stained-glass windows by French Jewish artist Marc Chagall which grace the Hadassah Hospital in Israel.
Nissan Engel’s life paralleled a remarkable epoch in contemporary and Jewish history and his art is inextricably bound with the events of his time. Whether the Shoah, establishment of the State of Israel or the Six Day War — whose 50th anniversary will be marked this upcoming June — the story of a nation can be understood through the work of this Israeli artist.
- Stacy Engman