"Nation of Whiners" Website Launched to Consider Phil Gramm Comments
Race Point Productions, Inc., launched a new public social website today devoted to discussing Phil Gramm’s assertion that we are a nation of whiners.

Reaction from the nation to Nation of Whiners was swift.
“Not ‘ANOTHER’ network website,” whined Philadelphia Daily News cartoonist . “I can’t ‘STAND’ network websites.”
Race Point Productions President Robert R. Frump, a web and strategic content consultant, said “Ms. Wilkinson ‘ALWAYS’ says stuff like that.” The site was launched, he said, because there was never anything good on television.
“It’s the SAME old stuff over and over again,” Frump said. “Cable is doing shark attacks and the Jon Benet Ramsey murder…AGAIN.”
Frump also said he was bored by the perfect weather in the Northeast the last several days. “It’s not been too hot or too cold,” Frump said with an irritating sing-song quality to his voice. “There’s even a little bit of rain every evening, just enough so I don’t have to water the lawn or the garden. It’s TORTURE.”
The site is open to all whiners without reservation or censorship.
“I’d like to say we serve no whine until it’s time,” he said. “but dammit, it IS time.”
The site is not sponsored by Gramm and has no connection to the former senator. It is not intended to criticize Mr. Gramm, but merely provide an outlet for what appears to be pent-up national whining, a dangerous condition that can lead to voting in great numbers. The site is not affiliated with any political party or movement, but, God, one does wish sometimes there was ‘SOMEBODY’ out there in politics one could trust.
Frump has most of the domain names registered for nationofwhiners, but noted that www.nationofwhiners.com is owned by an unknown party. The url refers visitors to the John McCain website.
“I think that’s ‘REALLY’ unfair,” Frump said.
Interested parties can sign up for Nation of Whiners by going to www.nationofwhiners.ning.com.