Luft Gangster

Friday, March 31, 2017–Sunday, April 16, 2017
Black Box Theater

The story of U.S. Army Air Corps veteran and prisoner of war Sgt. Louis Fowler is told in Lowell Byers’ gripping and visceral drama, Luft Gangster.

After bailing out of his crippled B24 bomber under heavy fire from German forces, waist gunner Lou Fowler is captured by the Nazis. Incarcerated along with other Allied fliers in an inhumane Nazi prison camp, where POWs view new prisoners with suspicion as possible Nazi infiltrators, Lou has to heal his own battle injuries, as his captors treat him as just another ‘luft gangster’ – a term Joseph Goebbels created as propaganda to convince the German nation that all American flyers were criminals released from prison by the US government in order to fight in World War II.

As Lou endures the hellish and unsanitary conditions of prison camp life, subsisting on what could barely be described as food and enduring unspeakable cruelty, surviving to escape becomes his only goal. In a time and place where men on both sides of the war were stripped of all things civilized and reduced to the bare essentials of life, where a single slip of the tongue could mean death, Lou will have to rely on his faith to make it out alive.

“The show is thrilling, seamless, and real.” – Theatre is Easy

“The acting is exemplary.” –  Theatre Scene

“Haunting and moving. Byers, Pendleton, and Nylon Fusion have quite a power piece here.” – The ArtsWire

Tickets and more info at