Celebrating its 25th year in existence, Party Digest has emerged as an alternative to elitist society and lifestyle publications that only further an establishment view. The website and e-mail newsletters list some of the fun events happening in the metropolitan areas that would be of an interest to an everyday party-goer.
Recently we received this letter of congratulations from DC Mayor Muriel Bowser:
The Party Digest takes pride in listing events that “do not make it” in other larger – than – life publications. Its editorial context, derived from nine years of painstaking research by its founder, thrives on the diverse, multifaceted social scene of each city — be it the embassy or international cocktail circuit, a wine or cigar tasting, a black- or white-tie gala or nightclub opening party ranging from art deco butlers to caged dancers.
The Party Digest provides “exclusive” and “inclusive” content to web companies and party – goers. “Exclusive” content includes event notifications about soirees and society events, among others; “Inclusive” content includes notifications about events in the public domain that would be of general interest to a wide cross-section of readers, such as family events, sporting events among others.