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City Editor Franchisee Opportunity

This is a rare opportunity to own a local city franchise for our storied publication that is celebrating its 30th Year Anniversary.

The City Editor role allows you to take time from your local calendar to smell the roses and at a global level start checking off items on your bucket list – and when you come home you plan to have fewer receipts and a fun trip or vacation that your CPA shouid be able to write off as a business expense!

But you want to be a City Editor because of any or all these reasons:

  • You have a social or personal or business agenda (Realtors to the front please!)
  • You want to count in your local community or city and collect some #KarmaCoins
  • You are bustling with energy and always on the move
  • You are a self-described Networking Maven

The reason we are looking for new blood is because our franchise owners in some cities have frankly gotten fat lazy and old – or should we say they bucketed the list with the Monogrammed T-shirt in tow and then some. They have been gently shown the door!

Our core management team is rock solid. Our CTO, Chuck, has guided our city editors for 20 odd and even years! He has even survived our cantankerous Founder & CEO, Lak Vohra! A lifetime of Achievements award right there.

Your financial investment is going to allow you to do this on a shoestring budget – and you will make your money back very quickly.

Did we say there are no annual contracts?

Book a 15 min meeting now to learn more: Appointments

Lakhinder J.S. Vohra, M.S.J.
Editor & Publisher

The Inside Word on Social & Business Networking Since Nov. 1995

Here are some of our City Editors:

Meet our latest franchisee, Melanie Nolan