Big Data and Voting Impact U.S. Environmental Policy-Making

Wednesday, September 23 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

U.S. politics has an enormous impact on global climate and environmental issues, and unfortunately American environmentalists aren’t wielding as much political power as they ought to.

Fortunately, recent advances in data analytics and behavioral science offer hope for 2020 and beyond. With fresh data from recent elections and mobilization experiments, voter turnout expert Nathaniel Stinnett discusses the Environmental Voter Project’s cutting-edge approach to boosting environmental voter turnout, while impacting policy at the local, state, federal, and international level.

Sign up and join us for this WebTalkUNA conversation with Nathaniel Stinnett, founder and executive director of Environmental Voter Project, who will be joined by Amy Perlmutter, who has devoted her career to the environmental field, developing and implementing policies and programs from the ground up.

For more information click here